CHEN, Yingxian Carol

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PhD candidate, Research Associate
the University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong

About me

I am currently a PhD candidate in Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong, supervised by Dr. Yik-Chung Wu and Dr. Xiaojuan Qi. My main research interests include pose estimation, video understandung, anomaly detection and other related topics.



  1. MGFN : Magnitude-Contrastive Glance-and-Focus Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
    Yingxian Chen, Zhengzhe Liu, Baoheng Zhang, Wilton Fok, Xiaojuan Qi, Yik-Chung Wu
    AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), accepted, 2023. (Oral accepted)

  2. Intelligent Sports performance Scoring and Analysis system Based on Deep Learning Network
    Baoheng Zhang, C. Chen, Louis Cw Chan, W. Fok
    2020 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD), accepted, 2020.

  3. Artificial Intelligence for Sport Actions and Performance Analysis using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
    W. Fok, Louis C. W. Chan, C. Chen
    2018 4th International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, accepted, 2018.

Note: * indicates the corresponding author.

Full list of publications in Google Scholar.

Competitions and awards

  1. Awarded the ICT award (Better People) in 2022

  2. Awarded the ICT award (Better Living) in 2021

  3. Graduated from The University of Hong Kong with the First Honor in 2019

  4. Awarded The University of Hong Kong Electronic Engineering Department Scholarship in 2019

  5. Awarded the Third Prize in National Challenge Cup(Beijing) in 2019

  6. Awarded the Bronze award in 5th Internet plus (Hangzhou) in 2019

  7. Awarded Singapore: Digital Wonderland 2019 - Infocomm Media Development Authority Best Creative Award

  8. Awarded Third Prize of the 5th Hong Kong Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition



  2. US Patent :US 63/120,526:Swimmer Performance Analysis System

  3. Software Copyright: 2022SR1026101 (CN) TXu 2-318-517 (US):Embedded AI development educational platform

  4. Software Copyright: 2022SR1026100 (CN) TXu 2-317-236(US):Skeleton-based AI Drowning System

Work experience

  1. Research Associate, Sport AI Lab, EEE, the University of Hong Kong

  2. PT Senior RA, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, the University of Hong Kong